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From Accountability to Actionability: Making Sense of Multiple Measures in Local Control Accountability Plans
In this brief, the authors review “promising practices from California districts and insights from research on multiple measures to provide recommendations that improve how districts generate, present, and use data in their [Local Control Accountability Plans] LCAPs.” The authors “recommend that districts
use multiple measures to develop greater coherence between inputs, processes, and outcomes linked to specific LCAP goals;
employ the matrix approach to monitor progress over time and as a communication tool for internal stakeholders; and
create infographics and narrative descriptions as a means to communicate critical information to external stakeholders. “
The purposes of this policy brief are effectively described and met, using reasonable methods and fairness. One shortcoming is that while the authors raise the issue of validity of multiple measures and their applications, they do not describe it in the main section of the brief. It is indeed an important but overlooked topic that could well be the basis for future policy briefs. Communications quality is good, although wording tends toward the technical and lengthy side. The design is professional and the figures nicely support the text. Utility should be reasonably high, especially by other states and nearly any district working to design similar plans. Evidence of effectiveness is not addressed, but a long-term impact on learning is possible.