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Promoting College and Career Readiness: A Pocket Guide for State and District Leaders

This Pocket Guide focuses on the implementation of school reforms related to college and career readiness in ESEA flexibility plan requirements. To prepare this guide, AIR researchers reviewed the 35 approved state ESEA flexibility plans to identify policies and practices relevant to college and career readiness. The Pocket Guide (1) describes the importance of college and career readiness for all students; (2) discusses how college and career readiness is addressed in the approved plans; and (3) provides considerations, based on research, for the implementation of proposed reforms.

Content Comments

The Pocket Guide is very well-written and covers a wide variety of topics related to ESEA Flexibility. Now that most states have submitted their flexibility waivers, this guide will be useful to those who are seeking history and background knowledge about ESEA Flexibility Waivers.

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Accountability Standards

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