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Ready Kentucky: Building Employer Support for Student Success
The Kentucky Chamber Foundation, in partnership with the Kentucky State Department of Education, developed this publication to raise employer awareness of and support for the Common Core State Standards and the positive impact that the Standards will have on preparing students for success in both college and the workplace. This publication offers communication tools that employers can use to let their employees know about the new standards and what they mean for their communities and the State. The CCSS support kit includes FAQs, a sample newsletter item, employee talking points, and links to additional resources and information.
During a transition to new content standards across the nation, Kentucky has stood out as a state that has effectively developed and implemented a communication strategy to inform, include, and involve the public in this work. This communications toolkit, while not comprehensive, provides a helpful set of exemplars for employers to engage in discussions with the media, employees, and community members. The sample materials are already formatted in an engaging and visually appealing manner, and highlight the relevant content information for various audiences. The material is highly modifiable, to include specific descriptions, concerns, or needs of any state or group within the state. This toolkit provides a great starting place for any group to begin the communications process about their state’s new standards.