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Skills for Success: Supporting and Assessing Key Habits, Mindsets, and Skills in PreK-12
“Skills for success” is a term coined by the authors of this report to encompass the habits, mindsets, and non-technical skills (e.g., tenacity, perseverance, emotional intelligence, growth mindsets, grit, and character) that are integral to academic, professional, and personal success. While high-quality preschool programs focus on these skills, K-12 schools have not followed suit. The purpose of this report is to help educators incorporate skills for success in K-12 settings. This report highlights trends and raises important considerations for schools as they support and assess a more comprehensive set of student skills for success. The authors also make several recommendations for “how various entities – federal and state governments, local educational agencies, educators, and research institutions – can foster progress on developing certain skills for success” in K-12 schools.
This resource clearly explains the range of “skills for success” that students need to attain in order to succeed in school and beyond. It also gives practical suggestions for providing both instruction in, and assessment of, these skills. Its audience includes educators at every level, from the classroom teacher to the state-level administrator.