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Snapshot Collection of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
The Snapshot Collection includes practical examples to support educators’ understanding of how to integrate ELA and discipline-specific literacy demands and provide support to students with language development needs. The snapshots are short illustrations of classroom practices (see the Vignettes in the Related Resources section below which provide more detailed examples of lessons). The snapshots are organized by grade level, from transitional kindergarten (TK) to grade 12. Each grade level ranges between three to six snapshots. The snapshots found in this resource are not designed to be prescriptive; they are intended to illustrate instruction in ELA/literacy and ELD.
The snapshots included in this collection are an excellent resource. They can be used as part of professional learning that aims to support educators in studying examples of how to put ideas into practice. These can also support planning and integration of literacy practices to assist English language learners. Snapshots typically illustrate how to articulate connections between ELD and one or more content areas. Although this resource is long (130 pages), educators can select the grade level and content they would like to focus on.