CSAI held its annual conference on December 10–11, 2015 at WestEd’s San Francisco office. During this one-and-a-half day conference, CSAI staff and attendees discussed states’ needs regarding instruction, assessment, accountability, and communication following the 2014–15 assessments. Sessions focused on providing support for regional and content centers, and the states and regions they support, in the midst of policy and system changes.
Links to presentation materials and handouts can be found on this page.
Coherent Assessment Systems Supporting College and Career Ready Success
Joan HermanThis session shared a framework for standards-based systems of assessment, which states and local districts can use to reduce overtesting and promote college- and career-ready success attainment.
Making Sense of the New Summative Assessments
Deb Sigman
This session discussed the impact of assessment results on state systems for communications, reporting, and accountability.
Bridging the Gap Between Assessment and Improving Teaching and Learning
Deb Sigman, Sujie Shin, and Jessica Arnold
This session shared tools and resources for building teacher capacity and knowledge around developing and scoring assessment performance tasks: Building Educator Assessment Literacy, Understanding Proficiency, and Assessment Design Toolkit.
Transforming Science Instruction and Assessment
Nicolle Romero and Meghan Bell
This discussion delved into the Next Generation Science Standards and provided an overview of the standards and their implications for states as they develop and evaluate science assessment options. For more information on the Science Assessment Item Collaborative, please visit the spotlight.
Achieving College- and Career-Ready Success with Formative Assessment
Barbara Jones and Sandy Chang
This session introduced new curriculum and instruction resources for creating and refining lessons to support CCRS success.
Considerations for English Language Learners
Sandy Chang
This session shared key practices and resources that teachers can use to help English learner students achieve college- and career-ready success in their classrooms.
Understanding and Responding to the Department’s Testing Action Plan and Peer Review
Sujie Shin and Mai Chou Vang
This session provided a brief overview of Peer Review Guidance and the ways content centers may be called on to support states as they prepare for submission beginning in January. The session also discussed the implications of the Testing Action Plan and shared resources and tools that can be shared with states.
The State Perspective on Revising Testing Systems
Deb Sigman and Carole Gallagher
The presenters shared their experiences working directly with states on revising testing systems and discussed lessons learned from those experiences.