Resource Hub

Explore guides, research papers, policy briefs, and tools to aid decisions on standards and assessments.


Early Childhood Assessments: Recent Trends in State Policies and Practices

At the CCSSO Early Childhood Education Collaborative Meeting on September 25, 2024, Senior Program Associate Matt Brunetti shared insights into his and his team's work...

2024Assessment Topic: Assessment Research & InnovationResource Type: PresentationGrade Level: Early Learning
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Kindergarten Entry Assessments: An Examination of Best Practices, National Trends, and Recommendations

States and districts use Kindergarten entry assessments (KEA) as evaluative tools for understanding students' learning along developmental domains. Data from KEAs are informative for guiding...

2024Resource Type: GuidanceGrade Levels: Early Learning, Elementary School (K-5)
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English Learner (EL) Pre-Referral Flow Chart Questions

This decision-making flow chart includes target questions that Child Study teams or MTSS teams should address when working through the pre-referral decision-making process. Each school...

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State of the States Brief: PreK Assessments/Early Childhood Education

This brief highlights changes that states have made in their PreK assessment portfolios and early childhood education policies since 2019.

2023Grade Level: Early Learning
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Using K-2 Summative Assessments to Improve Third Grade Outcomes Webinar and Presentation

CSAI recently presented to Early Childhood, Assessment, and Accountability staff from seven states at the request of the Southeast Comprehensive Center (SECC) as a professional...

2019Grade Levels: Early Learning, Elementary School (K-5)
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SEL Assessment Guide

The Assessment Guide provides several resources for leaders and implementation teams in PreK-12th grade settings who are making decisions about selecting and using measures of...

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Science Technology Engineering Arts Math

The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) is dedicated to increasing youth's experience with Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM). SDCOE created a...

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Assessment Tools in Informal Science

This searchable website, created by the PEAR Institute, provides assessment tools for informal science learning. This website allows practitioners, evaluators, researchers, and policy makers with...

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How Students Thrive: Positive Youth Development in Practice

The paper outlines five, research-based tenets that underlie schools that can support positive youth development and includes tools that can help educators identify positive youth...

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High-Leverage Principles of Effective Instruction for English Learners

New college and career ready standards (CCRS) have established more rigorous expectations of learning for all learners, including EL students, than what was expected in...

2017General Topic: StandardsResource Type: GuidanceGrade Levels: Early Learning, Elementary School (K-5), High School (9-12), Middle School (6-8)
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